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  1. Bianchi - L'Eroica - Campagnolo 10v Compact

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    Bianchi - L'Eroica - Campagnolo 10v Compact

    € 3.300,00

    THE bike for the original and world famous L'Eroica events. The Bianchi Eroica is made of lugged Columbus steel tubes. It is DESIGNED and BUILT 100% in Italy. Equipped with phantastic Campagnolo down tube 10p shifting system in an astonishing chrome finish. The Bianchi L'Eroica really is the perfect bike for all vintage aficionados out there. The best: this bike is officially certified by the L'Eroica commission to ride in all L'Eroica Events!

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  1. Marca: Bianchi Rimuovi questo articolo

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© 2025 Cicli Emme Savino di Massimo Savino
p. iva 11232870011
REA TO 1197823
Via Cesare Battisti, 7
10010 Candia Canavese (TO)
Piemonte- Italia
Tel. mobile +39 371 179 70 16
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